My starting point for this series was the relationship between the sculptors Auguste Rodin and Camille Claudel and the fierce outcome of this. The vulnerability of the woman in the face of an overwhelming, brutal man. The pudding I use as a metaphor for the fragile female body. A pudding is soft, fragile, touchable / palpable. This also applies to a fragile female body. Pudding is fragile, vulnerable. The human body is, as is the pudding bounded by a nearly invisible sleeve, in a human is that the skin that is pliable after a period of time, and more and more to bulge.
By adding improper materials in the pudding like garlic, dry leaves, grapefruit, I suddenly saw the agreement between pudding and body. The addition was a reinforcement for me. Mie slurries in the pudding reminded me of the whimsical irregularities in the skin.
There may be no other kind on our planet than the woman who is constantly concerned about the body’s decay. There is no other dish that is so affected than ’the dessert’, the pudding. For many artists, women were a main course, but maybe more dessert. The series is therefore an ode to the woman who can be loved and admired but also can be wiped out.