This story is about Jo Snoep (1903-1944) resistance fighter in the Second World War.
Photographer Ursula van de Bunte was asked by the Foundation “Stumbling Stones in Music” to make an image to accompany the story of the stone “De La Sablonierekade 5 in Kampen.
She was captivated by the story and made an associative photo series about this unresolved ending. The article by journalist Herman Broers was leading in this.
It is about the unsolved death of Leo Snoep, who was forced to go to the office of the German commander, partly due to the actions of the NSB mayor of Kampen, Mr. Sandberg. Entrepreneur Snoep owned the Machinefabriek aan de IJssel and was actively involved in the resistance during the war. Candy was taken without trial or investigation, tortured and eventually shot. The how and where has not been resolved to this day.
Leo Snoep left behind his wife and children who were never able to see their father/husband again. His body floated in the IJssel for two weeks. The famous Dr. Kolff (from kidney dialysis) has identified his body and advised his wife Sara not to look at her husband anymore.