The series “PANDEMIC” came about with a subsidy from the Municipality of Kampen.
This subsidy was intended to link two concepts: Corona and Kampen.
Photographer Ursula van de Bunte took this series of photos in the Boven- en
Buitenkerk van Kampen.
“When I tell people that I live in Kampen, I often get the response: but isn’t that very ecclesiastical? Indeed, there are as many as 39 churches here. Despite the many churches, Kampen has a very free and artistic atmosphere, also because an art academy used to be located and many “free birds” and artists have remained hedges. Faith and art can go well together. Some churches are now also open for exhibitions. ”
When I happened to walk into the Bovenkerk, I was touched by the beautiful light and the serene atmosphere that reigned there and I decided to make my series in this church. ”Faith and the church can be a beacon in these hectic times, but also give fight. In the Bible, predictions are made about infectious diseases, and that’s where the series begins, “The Annunciation” Matthew 24: 3-9.
Furthermore, topics are discussed: What was our behavior just before and during the lockdown? The hoarding of toilet paper, the restlessness, the fear of what spreads through the air, the growing loneliness and the longing for the time for Corona.